Stone Chocolate Machine

Stone Chocolate Machines are divided into 2 types as horizontal and vertical.
The Vertical Stone Chocolate Crushing Machine for production of Couverture or Ganache chocolates with manual feeding.
The Horizontal Stone Chocolate Crushing Machine has 2 apparatus and can be used both in manual mode and in automatic mode.
The horizontal machine is equipped with a spreading apparatus, which allows the chocolate to be crushed automatically. The spreading apparatus is connected at the inlet of the Cooler (Cooling Tunnel) and the Pebble Crushing Machine is connected at the outlet of the Cooler. This arrangement ensures automatic crushing of the chocolate pebbles.
The chocolate blocks are manually dropped into the appropriate grinding channel on the machine. The horizontal machine automatically breaks the chocolate blocks on the crusher.
The sifting process consists of 2 types of separation units, ensuring the division of chocolate into 3 or 4 groups.
More detailed information about the separation units can be found in a separate relevant brochure.
Chocolate Pebble Crushing Machine is ideal for confectionery, cake and ice cream producers.
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